Parish Council
County Council Highway Weed Treatment
Dear Resident In 2023 CCC stopped using chemical herbicides to treat weeds in the highway/pavement as it has done previously. Many villages complained that this cased damage to the road and...
Councillor Vacancy
230817 councillor vacancy...
Annual Parish Meeting 2023
The Annual Parish Meting will be held on the 11th May at 7.45pm at the Village Hall. 230511 CAXPC apm...
GCP Local Plan – Cambourne Drop in event 18 Nov
As you know, Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are working together to create a joint Local Plan for their combined districts – the Greater Cambridge Local...
Greater Cambridge Local Plan – First Proposals Public Consultation
Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are working together to create a joint Local Plan for their combined districts – which we are referring to as Greater...
Notice of vacancy for a Councillor 23/03/21
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that Councillor Sally Bushby's seat has fallen vacant therefore there is a vacancy on the Caxton Parish...
14/05/2020 Parish Council Meeting
I hereby give notice that, as previously arranged, the Meeting of the Parish Council will be held remotely due to the current pandemic on Thursday 14 May 2020 at 7.45 pm To join the Zoom...
Remote Meeting Protocol
Due to the coronavirus pandemic it is not possible for the Parish Council to meet as it normally would. To enable the Council to conduct its business legislation (below) has been introduced which...
Conclusion of FY2019 Audit
Caxton Parish Council is pleased to announce that the annual audit has been concluded. A copy of the notice and external auditors certificate can be found...